Hugg & Hall Mobile Storage provides important solutions for Industrial facilities projects and operations. Our GLO offices & storage units are all delivered by our employee drivers in HHMS owned trucks & trailers. At HHMS, we are dedicated to the safety of your facility & staff- we would never consider delivering inventory with 3rd party vendors. Whether for a plant shut-down or new construction, HHMS is your trusted source.
Guard Shacks - Our 10' office units work great for guard shacks and security checking stations at construction sites, distribution and warehouse facilities and industrial plants.
Cool Down Stations & Break Rooms - Our 20' and 40' office units work great for cool down rooms, changing rooms and lunch / break rooms on construction sites or plants.
GLO offices - Our fully self contained office units are the perfect solution for immediate office space needed inside warehouse and manufacturing facilities.
High Security Storage - We offer class 3 rated storage units for dangerous liquids storage/containment at your construction site or industrial facility. These units have extra ventilation and spill containment tanks in floor.