Jul 22, 2014
Varco Pruden’s annual Hall of Fame competition recognizes outstanding facilities constructed by VP Authorized Builders. Criteria include excellence in design, craftsmanship, and construction. Buildings selected for the Hall of Fame illustrate the enormous possibilities that result from the close collaboration of architects, engineers, builders, and owners. Ultimate functionality and unique aesthetic appeal combine to create truly extraordinary buildings.
William Fletcher, Executive Vice President/COO at Kinco Constructors presents the 2013 Varco Pruden Buildings Hall of Fame award for Office category to Jim Hugg AIA, President and Art Kinnaman, Vice President of Hugg & Hall Mobile Storage. The award is for the Hugg & Hall Mobile Storage Office and Shop project completed June 2012. Kinco was the contractor for the project. Jim Hugg was architect on the project.
The facility features a hybrid design including shipping containers and a pre-engineered metal building system.